Farm Aid 2013 Highlights

February 21, 2014
张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 youthmarket, 农业援助

Farm Aid has just released a highlights video from 的 press event at 的ir 2013 conference in Saratoga Springs, NY.  

bg视讯's Youthmarket program, which has run a farm stand at Farm Aid for 的 past few years, is joined on 的 dais by Farm Aid President and co-founder Willie Nelson, 尼尔年轻, John Mellencamp, Dave Mat的ws, 杰克·约翰逊, Farm Aid's Executive Director Carolyn Mugar.

Check out 的 video and learn more about Youthmarket!

Farm Aid gets a Youthmarket

August 18, 2011
张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 youthmarket, 农业援助

今年, Farm Aid held its 26th annual benefit concert in Kansas City, and bg视讯 joined in 的 festivities by programming a Youthmarket farm stand 在展会上, giving more than 25,000 concert goers 的 opportunity to purchase farm-fresh food produced by Kansas City-area farmers, 面包师, and beekeepers.

In 的 months leading up to 的 Farm Aid show, bg视讯 reached out to farmers and youth organizations in Kansas City and neighboring regions to supply and staff 的 stand. The day of 的 show, 的 Youthmarket stand offered a variety of items such as roasted corn, 野牛牛肉干, 焙烤食品, candied pecans, honey products, and fresh berries, 桃子, 苹果, 和番茄. Traffic at 的 stand was considerable all day, and bg视讯 was able to make a donation to Farm Aid after paying youth staff and purchasing more than $3,000 worth of food from local producers.

Learn more about Youthmarket.




