Goodbye Plastic T-Shirt Bags April 1!

January 28, 2021
张贴在 Greenmarket

Beginning April 1, bg视讯 Greenmarkets, Farmstands, and Fresh Food Box locations are banning single-use plastic t-shirt bags.

What is banned?

Greenmarket Producers, Farmstands, and Fresh Food Box locations will no longer be providing single-use plastic and 堆肥able bags with handles.

Tips for going plastic-free: 

1. 可以自带酒水的! Bring your own reusable tote and produce bags while shopping. Don't forget to pack a big general tote bag and smaller bags and containers for individual items.    

2. Carry a few extra reusable totes with you at all times.  

3. Reduce before you 重用 or 回收. It costs money and energy to produce and 回收 plastic bags. 

4. 取 Commit to Bring It Pledge to bring your own mugs, water bottles, shopping bags.


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