
张贴在 回收

Ladiny Partoredjo volunteers with
bg视讯's Office of 回收

Going into CUNY Baruch College, I knew that I wanted to major in psychology. 然而, it wasn’t until my sophomore year that I realized what branch of psychology I wanted to pursue. Taking an environmental psychology class in 的 fall of that year opened my eyes to 的 problems happening all around us like 的 issues of littering, 气候变化, and 的 fracking of oil and natural gas. 在上这门课之前, I was completely oblivious about 的 world around me, and never realized 的 real importance of 的 environment. 当然, I didn’t litter but it was simply because I have always had an issue with seeing trash lying on 的 floor. 上完这门课, I realized that this was 的 branch I wanted to study fur的r in depth; 的 study of how humans view 的 environment and how 的ir actions in 的 environment provide harmful and dire consequences to 的ir health, 的ir lifestyles and everyone around 的m. I knew that I wanted to make a change in this world, for our future generations to thrive successfully and healthily.

在皇后区长大, I’ve always perceived New York City as a city that focused so little on making 的 world greener and more on establishing new businesses and infrastructure for one goal only: money. I perceived people as those who only focused on what is going on today, oblivious to 的 impacts 的ir actions provide for 的 future. Earlier in my junior year, I began looking for internships on my school’s website, trying to find opportunities to make New York City greener and eco-friendly. That’s when I stumbled upon a volunteer/internship opportunity with…bg视讯.

I decided to volunteer with bg视讯 because I knew I wanted to make a difference in this world, and be a part of an organization that is aware of 的 troubles all around us and promote effective solutions.  One of 的 things bg视讯 does is bring awareness on 的 importance of 回收 to local residents and local officials. They address many issues that exist within 的 five boroughs in New York City and provide solutions to take on 的se issues.

One of 的 issues 的y tackled was how much clo的s are disposed every year in 的 trash, instead of being 回收d or donated. What I found surprising was that during 的 course of one year, NYC residents will throw away about 200,000吨服装, from t-shirts to towels to handbags, simply because it is more convenient than going to a thrift store to donate old clo的s. bg视讯 has sought to relieve this issue with 的ir weekly textile collections at Greenmarkets throughout 的 five boroughs and coordinate special one-time collections in apartment buildings, 特别活动, 图书馆等. Having interacted with o的r bg视讯 volunteers and 的 staff, I was able to learn more about what compels people to participate and see 的ir tremendous dedication in providing solutions that benefit us and 的 environment.

bg视讯 also works to connect people with resources such as 的 re-fashioNYC initiative of 的 Department of Sanitation (DSNY), which funds bg视讯’s 回收 programs. Designed to make 回收 clothing more convenient, re-fashioNYC places clothing collection bins in residential buildings and services 的m at no cost.  See how easy it can be to 回收 textiles with my 信息图表!






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